


4、The earth is the third planet from the sun and the fifth largest planet in the solar system. The earth is the most dense planet in the solar system.地球是距太阳第三颗,也是太阳系第五大行星,地球是太。


Our universe, mysterious, in our solar system, the study of value, as the universe. Now, lets see, members of the solar system. The planet mercury, a phrase, nor, even a drop of surface temperature 。


the Roman god of war. It is also referred to as the "Red Planet" because of its reddish appearance as seen from Earth.A


but I love space.There are plas in the space,such as sun,moom .Earth is one of the plas in space.And sun is the biggest pla in space.People invented many machine and let it go into space to discover it.I th。


Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune called the Jovian planets。原文:太阳系是由太阳以及在其引力作用下围绕它运转的天体构成的天体系统。它包括太阳、八大行星及其卫星、小行星、彗星、流星体以及行星际物质。人类所居住的地球。

5、在茫茫星际,人类是孤独的吗?在外星存在其他生命吗? 英语作文

Across the universe, is human alone? Is there any living things out of space?As we all know, there are nine stars in the solar system: Mercury、 Venus、 Earth、Mars、Jupiter、Saturn、Uranus、Neptune、Pluto。


太阳系Solar System solar system consists of the Sun and the other celestial objects gravitationally bound to it: the eight planets, their 165 known moons,[1] three dwarf planets (Ceres, Pluto, and Eris and 。


6. 宇宙行星英语作文 宇宙,是我们所在的空间,“宇”字的本义就是指“上下四方”。球是我们的家园;而地球仅是太阳系的第三颗行星;而太阳系又仅仅定居于银河系巨大旋臂的一侧;而银河系,在宇宙所有星系中,也许很不起眼…… 这一切,。


回太阳系九大行星英文版介绍 译文: 我们的太阳系包括太阳、九个行星(和他们的月亮), 一条小行星传送带、和许多彗星和飞星。太阳是我们的太阳系的中心; 行星、他们的月亮、小行星、彗星, 和其它岩石和供气所有轨道太阳。。


star like our wan sun (and there are billions of such stars in the universe) is likely to have a planet situated at such a distance that it would receive about the same amount of radiation as the earth。
